Saturday 10 May 2008

The Reign in Spain ... determines who wins the premier league?

As far as I am concerned my season has been a success, Sunderland have stayed up and hopefully Keano will get his £ 200 Million to spend on new players. [have you seen what a shithole Middlesbrough is? they still manage to get exciting signings there, so it might not be all about the shopping]

But with regards to the conclusion of the premier league tomorrow, not nailbiting, both Chelsea and Man U will win, and Man U retain the premiership crown. However, it is interesting to note that Real Madrid just retained their La Liga title last week.
If we compare the champions of La Liga and the Premier League, there is a scary correlation, since 2000:

2000-01 Real Madrid / Manchester United
2001-02 Valencia CF / Arsenal
2002-03 Real Madrid / Manchester United
2003-04 Valencia CF / Arsenal
2004-05 FC Barcelona / Chelsea
2005-06 FC Barcelona / Chelsea
2006-07 Real Madrid / Manchester United
2007-08 Real Madrid / ???

Every time Real Madrid have won the league, Man U have won here, similarly for Barcelona and Chelsea, and Valencia and Arsenal - so tomorrow is a foregone conclusion.

I guess this does not bode well for Liverpool from a domestic point of view.

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